Tuesday, 16 April 2013

The Weekly Result Is In...

                                 Happy Tuesday Everyone

Today did not start as I originally planned due to not finding my payment cards to pay the bills, my intentions were to walk into town but cause of all the drama and stress with these cards i unfortunately only managed to walk half the way and ended up catching the bus the rest of the way in, so as you can imagine breakfast was a quick on-the-go today...

I had just a lemon Alpen bar followed by a banana and a cup of coffee.

Since i was so stressed out this morning when i got to town i went to Costa Coffee and had a flat white with two slices of marmite on toast which was my B box and 3 sins.

Time was getting on and i needed to get back for work, i had a quick shop in Iceland and headed back home to prepare for lunch.

Today's Lunch

Lunch today i had some savoury rice which i added with tomatoes, cucumber, spring onions and Linda McCartney sausages. This was eaten at 1pm and my last meal before tonight's weigh in.

Although the walking schedules was messed up a bit this morning, i redeemed myself from this by my trek around town and all the walking i did up and down the stairs from work. Altogether my daily total amount of steps were 16990 totalling at a mileage of 8 miles. Which is a greater improvement from yesterday.

Weigh In...  

I was the first to weigh in at my group tonight which is always very nerve racking as i was really hoping for my stone award this evening. I even changed my outfit three times before i left the house to see what would be the lightest choice. Unfortunately i did not get my award, but i stayed the same, so just means im going to have to try extra hard this week to reach my stone award. 
The best part of tonight was i didn't leave empty handed as i won the raffle, so was very happy. 

As you can see my raffle consisted of eggs, beans, bread, tin tomatoes and egg poaching bags... so guess what im having for breakfast tomorrow ;)

Dinner Tonight after weigh in was pasta with LowLow cheese spread, was well nice!! also had spinach and salad with it washed down with a glass of red.

So thats been my day, and i hope everyone reading has had a good day too, i will leave you with my daily food diary for Tuesday 16th April.

A: 250mls Semi Skinned Milk
A: 60g of LowLow Cheese Spread
B: 2 Brown Toast
B: Alpen Light Bar

Free Foods
LM Sausages
Chickpea loaf

3.5: Extra for Toast                                           TODAY WAS A GREEN DAY!
2: Butter
2.5: LowLow Cheese
6: Red Wine 
Total syns: 14 

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