Hi everyone i hope you all enjoyed the sun today and it was so hot and humid wasnt it , i was dreaming of being on the beach but instead i had to go to work
i could of quite easily walk down the road and got on train to the seaside well dream on and work here i come , had loads of body magic today as there was a event on so carring loads of chairs 300 to be exact , tables to be put out , windows to close and flights of stairs walking up and down ,so i am worn out tonight , i had a good sw day today eating wise but thought i had mucked it up once i had eaten as i had made scan bran cake and the had toast for lunch but got round it i just syned by cake mmmm got out of that one lucky i had no syns at time . this is my scan bran beetroot and choc cake
i had this for my breakfast with fruit and the other half later at work
this is really easy to make and very filling i will put recipe down below if anyone wants to try it , Lunch today was a rush today as i did not realise what the time was and it was nearly time to go to work so i came up with this
Toast ,scrambled egg and spaggheti hoops really enjoyed it did not have time to add extra veg on it but had fruit today
Dinner at work tonight as was really late home
a mug shot spicy sweet and sour these are my favourite at moment and free so even better and i usually have one for a snack at work so i had this and later my scan bran cake and a coffee
as i have looked at this now i can see i have had a green day so i can use my scan bran as a b box
so today goes like this ;
a box ; baby bel light
a box
b box 5 scan bran
b box 2 toast
free food ; mug shot , scrambled egg , spagghetti hoops fromaige frais strawberries
4 syns for scan bran cake snack a jack when i got in 2 syns
soak 5 scan bran in hot water just to cover once soft mash add 1 tbsp golden syrup 2 syns and a choc option 2 syns add 2 whisked eggs and 5 tbsp sweetner and 2 cooked grated beetroot mix well put in microwave container for 7 mins once cool put topping on fromage frais and vanilla essence ,
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