Sunday, 31 March 2013

Easter and the airport

Hi everyone ,hope you all have had a nice easter and a relaxing sunday .My day started of really early as i was going with a friend to take her daughter and mine to gatwick was really nervous as its her first time of being away in another country .We all had breakfast at  the airport, and i did choose a healthy one and  sat and watched the others have a cooked breakfast a big waffle topped with greek yoghurt and honey .

its the best tasting porridge i have had in a cafe/resturant and they made it with soya milk and it was fresh porridge not instant that some places use also it was rather a large bowl  so filled me up till lunch time .
We saw the girls of at the checking in bit and came back home , decided to have a lazy afternoon as 
got  home and had a half hour sleep as i felt a bit tired, lunch time had come around so made a ham roll and a packet of bacon waffles 3.5 syns  (had to get pic of google as i forgot to take pic at lunch)
while eating lunch decided to watch the mummy and flick through my slimming world mags to find some recipes and syn values of some items im in the proccess of making a folder for recipes and syn values so i have got it to hand .So that took nearly all of my afternoon up and was relaxing for a change instead of walking into town all the time i am sure i have been every day this week for one thing and another . With that i thought i had better get tea on .
chicken stuffed with light phillidelphia and wrapped in smoked bacon  mushy peas and roast potatoes .sweet potatoes all done in the acti fry . really enjoyed this meal as not had it for a long time and all free food mushypeas superfree .
I made this last night for pudding and it went down a treat not all of it mind you.

its a strawberry mouse and all free ingrediants  i got the mould from asda a great little buy.So that was my sunday today . 

i have also sneaked in these while i have a coffee and writing this so all my syns are used today just slighty over i think but hey i have kept away from the chocolate i could of done alot more damage .

hope everyone has had a good sunday and enjoys the rest of the evening and have a good day monday. here are my syns for  today ;

Abox  soyamilk 
Bbox porridge oats 

free food .turkey breast 

superfood . mushypeas tomatoes  mixed berries 

SYNS; 50/50 roll 7.5 syns  3 digesttive 10.5 syns  2 mini meruinge  1 syn .TOTAL ; 19 SYNS 

I am not to worried about this ammount of syms tonight as i have had low syns in the week and not a full 15 syns every night .

Saturday, 30 March 2013

a long and winding road

Hi everyone  its going to be a short blog tonight as i keep getting  really bad headaches and really tired not sure why but hope they dont last.

so this  i had brunch as i got up late and lay in bed just chilling and on pc so here was my yummy brunch a bit of a funny combo really but filled me up ready for my walk ,

a slice of turkey breast 2 bacon no fat, tomatoes hoops and a brown roll brown sauce 1 tbsp  coffee .Already to go i wished i had taken a coat it was a bit windy but made me keep up a good pace . so today i walked  4.33 miles and 10099 steps  so not bad .

here is my dinner and pudding tonight had loads of freefood and superspeed food all day after my takeout and cake yesterday , so i am trying to be really good .

A nice veg stir fry with smoked tofu and cous cous was really nice , had a pud tonight whilst making it was thinking i bet i walk in lounge and daugher ask for one and yes she did but had to wait  .

sweet omelette and mixed berry fruit with a shape vanilla yoghurt 
Well that is my day today a very good sw day and very low syns  hope you all have a good easter  and   try not to over indulge on to many easter eggs and hot cross.

A BOX ; skimmed milk 
BBOX; 1 wholemeal roll 

free food    spaghetti hoops  turkey bacon cous cous  ,tofu  sweet egg omelette 

superspeed  food ; tomatoes , broccli pakchoi  green beans  mixed fruit 

SYNS ;  alpen light  3 syns , brown sauce 1 tbsp  1 syn  1 tbsp low fat spread 1 syn TOTAL ; 5 syns 

Friday, 29 March 2013

have your cake and eat it.

Hi everyone what a great day it has been the weather a bit cold but the sunshine was out, i managed to get alot done today a spring clean so i am very pleased with myself for getting on and doing it .so a   quick stop for some tea and

and then i carried on doing the clean,i did need to have a good sort out of the clutter . Looking at the weather decided  to go for a  walk , feeling hungry stopped at the cafe and thats where the damage was done  , they did not have the usual  homemade veg soup and all the other stuff was cooked breakfast or omelette cooked in oil .so what did i opt for 

yes one of these with a coffee  it was very sweet  though and had some sort of syrup in it, so that  was my lunch not very slimming world friendly is it . So yes i had my cake and i ate it after this i carried on with my walking to try and walk it off  who am i kidding , anyway i had walked 9575 steps  4.11 miles not to bad i thought .not quite sure i walked the cake off .
Once i got home sat and rested, really was nice not to have to go to work everyone decided they wanted a takeaway,i was hungry and feeling a bit light headed so went with it . i walked up there and back to get some more bodymagic in , ( it makes me feel better )  Chicken chowmein

and also with this 

 i only had 3 i promise  so i had a flexi day friday at least im being honest with you all and i am hoping if i am good over the weekend i can pull it back if i walk and have very little syns which can be done as there is so many freefood and superfree food to fill you up i will be ok for tues weigh in ,It never use to bother me if i had a flexi day which is allowed on sw as long as you dont do it every week you just make yourself a upper limit of syns mine was up to 60 and get back to plan next day I try and be a bit more cautious now and cut my syns down less and eat loads of speed and free food  i am a bit more focused than i was before.
Easter weekend it is a difficult time when you are trying to eat the right things so i am trying to stay focused and not be stupid and over indulge im not much of a chocolate person really if someome offered me a plate of chocolate and a plate of different cheeses i would take the cheese . i do like a hot cross bun but did not buy any i have a great big dish of frozon fruit defrosting so will prob have some sweet omelette filled with fruit tommorow.
Well thats it for tonight i need my sleep for my long energetic walk tomorrow  good night all and here are my syns for today 

Abox  300ml sweetend soya milk 

Bbox  2 wholmeal bread 400g loaf toasted

SYNS;  coconut tart 10 syns    sweet and sour chicken balls half portion 8 syns chicken chowmein 8 syns   rose wine 250mls 9   total 35 syns  not too bad considering 

Thursday, 28 March 2013

easter hols and pics yay for today

Oh  my word what a day i have had, busy busy busy it all started this morning got up and washed straight into town to try and get camera sorted, was going  to  leave it till friday but really wanted to stay in tomorrow and have a chill out day so off i went decided not to get bus as the traffic was really bad so off it was for a good speed walk i got to top of town and bus still had not arrived if i do walk to town i have a game called beat the bus lol it gets me walking fast and its 2.5 mile from my house to top of town. went to boots sorted camera out got some pics developed went and had  a  americano and a hifi baras walk did tire me abit .got some bits in iceland it was packed in there today so glad to get home .Once home i made a pasta pie for lunch and it was really yum and no syns will use the rest to snack on thats if daughter stops picking at it .

This is it before i have delved  into it  so easy to make  6 eggs  whisked  chive and onion cottage cheese lowfat  mixed in dash of milk bacholers pasta n sauce cooked in water mix altogether pour in a lined dish and spray with fry light add ham ,spring onions tomatoes spinch a few fresh leaves mix and bake till set . you can use 40 g low fat cheese as your a box to go on top of it .

 as you can see i had beans with it and really filled me up for work .
Work was quite today and not much to do which was really nice for a change as we are always busy and i managed to get out early today as every one decided to go home yay to the holidays 
Here  is my snack i had at work today to keep me going till i got home .
a chocolate snack a jack 3 syns and chocolate hilight 2 syns as i wanted somthing different .than coffee . 
Tonight for dinner i made a chicken biriyani and a bombay potato with 2 pompodoms  really enjoyed it and was 6 syns for all of it .

So that was my slimming world day today on track and on plan fully i just hope i can be good over the easter period i am going to make some sw puddings so i am not tempted by the chocolate . Well thats  me for tonight as i am trying to watch the big reunion and then the beyonce documentry  . Hope everyone has a great easter and a relaxing time . i will leave you with my food for today x

freefood ; potatoes rice eggs chicken spices ham 

superspeed;peas tomatoes spinich onions  bakebeans 


SYNS;  1 snack a jack chocolate 3 syns  1 choc hilights 2 syns  chicken biriyani and pompodoms 6 syns 

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

on track today big time

Hello to you all ,well i woke up this morning thinking it was thursday and saying yay to myself  a day off tomorrow till i realised it was wednesday  so felt a bit misreble for a while so decided to have my breakfast and get to town to get some fruit and tea tonight . 

scrambeled egg  on toast and a black coffee really filled me up so did some bits round house general tidy up and washing put out  to dry .So  into town, was a bit of a rush really as i had to get home to get dinner on for tonight  have lunch and get snack ready . Just going to get bus had to turn back forgot the cat food he is getting so fussy with his food at the moment no matter what i give him he does not want to know so im having a trying time with him and i love my animals . He loves his milk and biscuits so at least he is eating something . Anyway get home and have 2 hours before i start work so dinner in the slow cooker and start my lunch , a vegatable stirfry with orzo and chicken soy sauce filled me up also had a diet tango so that set me up for work .

in the pic is my fruit pot i took to work so i could have for my break thought i would have a low fat hot choc today on my break instead of coffee all the time .Was not to bad at work today and everyone seemed to have gone home early  so it meant  i could have a early finish as well which i was very pleased about as you don't get these that often , back home only had to prepare the salad and orzo as dinner was in the slow cooker i made meatballs in a tomato and garlic onion basil sauce all free and superfree food and a big salad with it to

After  dinner tried to connect camera to pc to download pics i took of meals but took ages and even daughter could not figure it out in the end we did it but im not holding out much hope doing it like this all the time as sometimes pc is not picking up device will have to see what happens but managed to get these pics on here tonight for you all . 
So today i have had a full 100% slimming world day so have got to get focused for next couple of days as i really want the 2.5 pounds of f  now to get my stone award .So thats it for tonight as its late and i am getting tired and also need to check sw facebook page , i will leave you with my days eats and syns i have had .
A box ; skimmed milk 
B box ;  2 slices wholemeal bread 400g loaf 

Superfree food  melon grapes mango  mixed salad spinich  tomatoes cucumber  sweetcorn  radish  onion  stir fry veg 

freefood  extra lean mince beef meatballs   eggs  

Syns 1 extra bread 3 syns 1 tsp lurpac light 1 syn  hilights hot chocolate 2 syns  total; 6 syns 

We even had chocolate cake at work today and i resisted it was really pleased i did not give in  x

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

the day has arrived weigh day

hi everyone i hope your tuesday has gone well . I had a good start to the morning laid in bed till 9 am then got ready to go to weigh in put on my lightest clothes and walked about a 1 mile to class not my usual one as working late today . really nervous when i got there but seemed nice people ,anyway got on the scales and was really shocked lost 2 pounds  i was so pleased could not beleave it as i had a up and down week ,did not stay to class as i wanted to get on with some things and caught bus  straight to town and had a costa coffee and toast and marmelade . Did take pics but for some reason they are not downloading to my email tonight hope this corrects its self .
Got home from town and did some house work ,facebook and sw groups im in checked them out and left messages by this time it was lunch and getting ready for work .Lunch today was left over dinner from last night mince and spinich and mash  ate that rather quick as time was getting on and had to take a snack in as was working late so had fresh fruit chopped up pinapple strawberries and grapes with a muller greek yog and a pack of cinimon  cereal  5 syns worth it if wanting something sweet .had this washed down with some peppermint tea .

Could not wait to finish work tonight as felt so tired and just wanted to get home , and it all went a bit down hill when i got in, had noodles which were free but still felt peckish not sure if i was cold and tiredness making me feel like this but had 4 scan bran with ham and cheese on sandwich together and i did enjoy them  then 2 marzipan chocolates  Well it is treat night so im back on plan 100% tommorow  i have another 2.5 pounds to get my stone loss and i want that next week so im going to be really good and try and eat loads of superfree food

so there is my happy weigh in day and im going to say good bye for tonight as i am so tired  and need to sleep i  am sorry i have no meal pics and i do hope i can get some for tomorrow if email not playing up .

free food; mince potato  noodles ham
superfree food ; spinich  pineapple strawberries grapes

a box ; 40g reduced fat chedder cheese
b box 2 slices toast

syns  cinemon squares 5 syn  butter x2   7 syns  marmelade 2 syns  4 scan bran 4 syns   cant find chocolate syns .

Monday, 25 March 2013

what a wake up call


Well what  a morning i had and not a very happy person either ,i was on a later shift today and at 5am this morning had a call from the cleaning guy who usually waits for me when im on early shift , i explain its not my shift this week tried to go back to sleep but could not . Next thing i know still no one turned up so i have had to throw somthing on (no coffee either bad thing lol) and open up thought i was going mad and i had made the mistake . i had not and the guy who was suppose to open up had mucked up his shift ,to cut a long story short he had to do my late shift in the end as i was not going to cover the 2 shifts .so ended good in the end as i was home at 10.30 so had all day to do things but was still annoyed over it as i had planned what i was going to do on sunday before i did my shift .So i have not taken many pics today as was not feeling myself after this mornings events 
For my breakfast i had 2 slices of toast and 1 slice of bacon no fat at work about 3 coffees aswell to keep me going .Then about 10am was feeling a bit pekkish  so went to canteen to see what they had spicy rice was my best option so had that and a cup of peppermint tea .
YAY im back home fed cat and tided up tried to have a snozze as was feeling a bit cold and tired .then went into town with my daughter went for lunch 
jacket potato and qourn chilli with side salad  very warming and filling in this cold weather ,did what i had to do in town and got bus home its bitterly cold out here so last chance work out has gone amiss and i really dont feel like jumping around the lounge today either i think this morning has just totally thrown me and the cold weather is dragging me down a bit , i hope it starts getting a bit warmer soon . 
tea tonight was lean mince beef with spinich and tomatoes  mash potato  and broad beans all free food 
Well tomorrow is weigh in day and i am going in the morning as i cant make the evening so hoping i have lost the 0.5 pounds to get my 10pound loss if not i hope for a  stay the same  would be happy with that  as i have had my birthday week and did some flexi days . 

freefood ; bacon,rice jacket potato lean mince , mash potato oxo cube   bakedbeans 

superspeed; spinich ,broadbeans  courgette tomatoes , lettece, cucumber tin tomatoes 

A box , 

B box , 2 slices 400g toast 
Syns ;  2 dash milk 2 syn    1 tsp l f spread  1 syn   4 milk choc mikado 2 syns  Total ;5 syns 

Sunday, 24 March 2013

not as planned

Well my day did not go as planned as my daughter had her friends stay over and ended up being a late night so ended sleeping in till 11am . not planned at all as i wanted to go for a long walk and dry washing at launderette aslo, then have a quite afternoon at home and do some sw meals for the week . But me staying in bed late had mucked up the day so again i had a brunchfast .

A nice warming  bowl of porridge  which  did really fill me up had a banana chopped on top aswell with that inside me i braved the cold and walked to the launderette a o.5 mile walk up hill did try and walk fast just to get out the cold . walked back and decided to go to town as everyone decided on a qourn roast so had to go and get some veg .(im not a vegatarian but i do like some qourn products )

Whilst in town i decided to treat myself  to some things ;

A extra large towel from primark i hate getting out the shower and have not got a large towel to wrap round me especially in this cold weather .
I just love this small frying pan and could not resist it and it will be so good to make magic pancakes in ,also got some morrocon spice and a coffee scoop . as you can see the bag peeping out in the pic these were from tiger  do love the nic nacs in that shop .

Back home had a hot bath as i was so bloomin cold then got dinner on , checked my pedometer i had worn today as i want to see how many miles i clock up in a day and it says on there

         3.41 miles  and 7963 steps    so i am pleased with the amount i have done today . I would of walked to town and back but it was so cold i really did not feel up to it . here are pics of my dinner and pud for tonight .

A great qourn roast with roasted veg sprayed with frylight  peas and singing swede gravy 1 syn 

Singing swede is a brill idea and quick way to do swede found it on the sw face book . All you do is prick the swede then put in microwave for about 10 to 15 mins and yes they do sing i put in 2 small ones and took 15 mins cut of tops and scooped out mashed with a teaspoon of lurpack 1 syn added salt n pepper .

          Fresh fruit all superspeed lemon greek yog 0.5 syns 2 mini meruinge 1 syn  

SO that ends my day really just going to put my feet up and chill for the rest of the evening . on afternoon shift tomorrow so will do a walk in morning and depending on how tired i am may do another in the evening as its last chance workout as i call it as weigh in tues .

Decided on a extra easy day today ; A box ; 400mls soya light  
                                                    Bbox ; 35 g porridge oats 

free food ; qourn parsnips potato  superspeed ; carrots peas swede  butternut squash melon apple strawberries grapes 
SYNS 175 mls red wine 6 syns greek yoghurt 0.5 syns  mini meruinge x2  1 syn  1teaspoon lurpac light 1 syn gravy 1 syn  TOTAL 9.5 syns 
hope to blog tommorow after last chance work out lol  night all x

Saturday, 23 March 2013

lazy weekend

Hi everyone ,the concert went very well last night but i got in really late so it had kind of mucked up my day today well that and the weather too ,its rather cold down in kent and i had planned a trip to lewes but woke up late and was cold and rainy so decided to check out the slimming world site and facebook pages instead, everyone is so friendly on there and help each other out on syns and recipes and are little ups and downs .

So having missed breakfast decided to have brunch instead  consisted of  linda mcarney red onion and rosmary sausages ( free) scrambled egg (free) tomatoes( free) beans (free) 2 slices warburtons  400g loaf  B box   spinich (super free) black coffee .

after i had eaten all that i kept putting off going out as it was so cold outside  this weather is getting depressing and im sure it makes you eat more but i am trying to have little syns untill i get weighed as you know i have had a few flexi days , Well eventualy decided to brave the cold and get the bus in to town no walking today im afraid . stopped and had a coffee a skinny lattee as i had not used my milk allowence today so was pleased i could have one as i do love my lattee,s  

so here is my shopping haul today 
lean mince to make a lasagne ,lean beef for a cassorole , stirfry veg and noodles ,cottage cheese ,quark ,split peas to make a lentil dhal  new potatoes, strawberries melon and grapes shape yoghurts 0.5syns each 
So lots of cooking this week and loads of super free and free food you would not think your dieting on this plan as long as you dont stuff yourself and eat till your satisfied your ok .and try and drink water.i have been drinking more but last night i must of got up to the toilet 4 times was not happy cause i had to keep getting up and it was cold too so have cut it down abit today don,t want that happening again or i will get very ratty through lack of sleep .
On to dinner for tonight. many people have posted this and have been meaning to try it for a while its mushypea curry sauce really easy to make i had it with qourn and veg and some wholewheat rice very filling and scrummy .

not a brilliant pic im afraid but you have a idea .I hope sunday i can do some sort of exercise ,depending on the weather, also going to try and make some slimming world recipes as i am on late shift in week so nice to have some stuff to snack on so im not tempted on high syn snacks and puddings .
On that note think i will say night and hope everyone is having a good weekend .

HEALTHY EXTRA ; a box 350 skimmed milk 
                                  b box 400g loaf  brown bread 

superspeed  beans mushypeas vegatables  melon grapes spinich 
free food       eggs  lm sausages qourn 

SYNS         cinamon squares  5 syns  1 mini meruinge 0.5 syns  hot chocolate low fat 2 syns 

TOTAL FOR DAY; 7.5 syns 

Friday, 22 March 2013

tough tough week of slimming world

Hi   everyone sorry i could not blog yesterday but was really busy preparing for my birthday buffet but more of that later on .I have found it really difficult this week with all the food around for my birthday etc , it is so hard when your trying to eat healthy and you have all the yummy goodies around you . I must learn to say no and be in control ,i am sure most of the time its because i dont want to offend anyone .
Well yesterday was really busy buying healthy food for buffet and non healthy food too also people were bringing food as well .so was busy all day but here is my brekkie before i set off .
a sweet omelette filled with summerfruits  and a vanilla muller yoghurt  with banana at side all free and superfree foods .
so of i set to do the shopping and had my usual americanio in prets .trugged round town  all shopping done feeling rather hungry went for a cooked breakfast all free on sw and was not cooked in oil so that set me up till the buffet tonight .I got from town went to see a freind a good 30 min walk and i walked back to all up hill so had some exercise for today . (as if i had not done enough exercise today )

here is my wonderful buffet; i made a sweet potato and chickpea hummus all free and it went down a treat so was pleased with that people bought salad and carrot ,celery ,cucumber sticks so have loads of superfree food left over .there is loads more food on another table have never seen so much food but quite alot was eaten thank goodness . had a great social evening .

The pic above is pasta pie there is some left over so i will have that for lunch today with a big salad all super free food which i need to eat next few days as i hope to have stayed the same and not put on any weight i dont think there will be a weight loss , but i need to step my game up next week and concentrate on it for a good loss  to happen .

For my tea tonight i have chicken rice with loads of veg in it and will take some salad too i have a late shift tonight as there is a concert on and have to stay in case fire alarms go off etc at least i get to see it too .so i will leave you all for now and will give you  a short sum up of my food for today .the weekend blog will be about my sw shopping haul and what you can eat on this healthy life style 

A BOX ; 30g goudaa
B BOX ;3 ryvita thins cracked black pepper 

pasta pie and a big salad of rocket beetroot cucumber tomatoes 

chicken rice and mixed salad pack up  

syns ;

1 chocolate mallow 2.5 syns   stilton 25g  5 syns  total 8.5 syns 

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Well all i can say today i feel absolutly awful and it serves me right for eating to much on my flexi day    i woke up feeling like i had a brick in my stomoch and i never want to feel like this again .
So this morning i just lay about checking blogs and on face book then decided to have some brunch
 and walk to town to get dinner for tonight .
BRUNCH ; Scrambled egg bakebeans  free  , healthy extra b box 400g wholemeal loaf  x 2 

Felt a bit better after this so decided to walk into town  a 2  mile walk and really  did a power walk by the time i was at the bottom of town my heart was beating so fast  decided to have a americano at prets before my shop . quite busy in town today so did not stop long, had the long 2 mile walk back  with the shop uphill was glad to get home . felt i had to do it to try and compensate for last night if i can do as much as i can this week exercising and eating loads of speed food and keeping my syns low i might be ok for tues weigh in .Back home and a superfree dinner and pudding so was really pleased and was very filling .

chicken pasta bake with a healthy a box 40g low fat cheese 
rocket leaves tomatoes onions cucumber grapes and lentil sprouts 

after dinner wanted to go out for another walk but decided against it so opted for a bath  after this had dessert 

Frozon summer fruits and strawberries all super speed and i tried the turkish delight muller yog  too sweet for me so had half of it . 
well everyone that was my slimming world day today and i am glad to be back on track  and stomoch getting back to normal . i have friends coming tomorrow so got a buffet tea some of it will be sw style as i have to be good . will try and blog at some point tomorow . please try and support me if you read my blogs thanks x

syns for today ; you are allowed up to 15 a day 
dash of milk in 3 coffees   3 syns 
dash milk in tea                1 syn 

superspeed food ; mixed salad tomatoes cucumber onions  lentil sprouts  peppers
                               m ixed berries  strawberries 

freefood    chicken   pasta 

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

its my birthday gonna party like its my birthday

yay its my birthday today planning a relaxing day and chill out time for me while kids at school .
the day started of with the cat oscar waking me up by meowing his head off  did not shout at him as i put it down to him giving me a chorus of happy birthday  lol so here is my oscar cat 

as you can see he zonked out on the telly after waking everyone up .so after that i decided to have a slimming world brekkie to start day off .

2 linda mc cartney red oinion and rosmary sausages   free food 
scrambled egg 
2 sliced brown loaf 400g  b box 
black coffee 

so a great start then all down hill on the food front from then on a really big flexi day today  . 

3 marzipan chocolates, then decided to walk into town and have coffee and cake least i walked  i say to my self trying to undo some of the damage [who she is she kidding ] 
back home and went on pc to look at sw website and face book chat to some freinds and try and find some sw freindly buffet ideas for thurs as i dont want another pig out like today .Kids are back home from school and have given me my lovley present really chuffed with it . have a peak .
the pussy cats is a nice box and all the things around it was individualy wrapped up in it was a lovley thought from them . 
so at that getting ready to go out for are meal music going glass of wine and ready to go here are my eats very non slimming world but enjoyed it all 
and of course there was wine and a tia maria as well .
i am not even going to begin to think about how many syns i had today and to be honest with you all i dont care i had a super day .But tomorrow its back on it to hope i have a weight loss next  tuesday .I know i will be doing some power walking at some point tommorow just to make me feel better in myself after tonights meal . Hope to blog tomorrow evening to get me back on track and show you what a good sw day i have had  . night everyone x

Monday, 18 March 2013

feet not touched today

hi everyone hope you have all had a good day .Its weigh in day today im weighing in a day early as its my birthday tomorrow so will be having a flexi day .
I have been keeping myself very busy  have not stopped since getting up for work .Breakfast was a big bowl full of chopped fruit and yoghurt washed down with black coffee so had a good start to the day . 
Back from work decided to do some body magic and walk to the launderette  to get washing tumble dried { cant stand wet washing everywhere}  was a 20 minuete fast walk up there  and back so a good 40 min walk .Decided to have some super speed soup fo r my lunch very filling 

after my soup decided on some more body magic as its weigh in day so i did another 20 min walk to town to pay bills and get some fruit and bits for tea .
finally i have a bit of time to have a coffee in town its 2 pm so im allowing myself one ,i trynot to have alot on weigh in days as your weight goes up and down in the day and i know if i eat a heavy meal i can put on 2 pounds after eating it so i try to eat small amounts and nothing after 3 pm  till weigh in ,and i also wear the lightest of clothing if i could weigh in my bra and knickers i would beleave me . oh the things we do .

Well im back from weigh in and lost half a pound  not to bad as i thought i may have stayed the same as i have had a up and down week so total loss so far 9 .5 pounds . here is hoping for another 0.5 pound next week as its birthday and meal out . 

After weigh in tonight here is my lovley
 gammon roast dinner and pudding 

Gammon slow cooked actifry roast peas broccli sweetcorn  gravy 200mls 3 syns 

 Meruinge 2.5 syns  fromaige frais  mixed berrys 

so thats my day to day and i am going to enjoy my flexi day tomorrow  and get back on track the next day  i hope to write a short blog tommorrow and try and show you what i have eaten . if i have not have too much to drink lol 

Sunday, 17 March 2013

sunday sunday

Hi everyone I have decided to start up a blog to help me along with my slimming world healthy eating plan as I hope it will help me to keep motivated to sticking it. In my blog I will keep regular updates on what I'm eating, sharing new foods/recipes and adding exclusive pictures. 

I started slimming world on the 29 jan 2013 and last weigh in was 12 march and a total loss so far of 9 pounds im a bit of a slow loser either that or i am not doing it properly so i really need to up my game and hope i will get lots of support . 

So its sunday and the weekend seems to go so fast does,nt it . for breakfast i decided to have a qourn sausage sandwich . warburtons 400g loaf  healthy b box 2 slices 
                                              2 qourn sausages 2 syns 
                                            hp sauce brown      1 syn 

Lunch            super speed soup all free and 2 scan bran  2 syns 
                     1 mini tub philli extra light                          1.5 syns 

After lunch i decided go to town stock up on some supplies  love the pound shop for this as i got some velvet crisp 4 syn and snacka jacks 5 syns  and mallow teacakes think they are 2 .5 syns each  also got loads of fresh fruit . stopped in at wilkinsons to get the cat milk and decided to walk home all up hill  and 2 miles not easy with bags of shopping took me 20 mins and i beat the bus too as it was due . So back home had a rest and watched a bit of mrs brown always makes me laugh .then get dinner on tonight its cottage pie and mushypeas all syn free and really warming .
so thats my day today have pack ups to make and stuff  to sort out for work .its weigh in day tomorrow as tues its my birthday and so i decided to weigh in a day early .
see you all tomorrow and i will let you all know how day and weigh in went have a good evening everyone x